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Noting the events, projects, achievements and updates of Zents Music Studio and their stellar music students.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Legitimate emails marked as Spam

Dear Students,and parents of music students at Zents Music Studio,
Hope you had a great holiday!
Some of the emails I have sent to you may wind up in your spam folder.
Please put the following email on your contacts list to receive periodic emails from Zents Music Studio.
You may also want to check your spam filter now and then to see if you received any messages from Zents Music Studio, and then mark it as Not Spam.
A reminder the official site for Zents Music Studio is
and the official email is now
Thanks, and have a happy New Year.
Amy Zents
Zents Music Studio, LLC

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About Me

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I am a vocalist and a music teacher of voice, piano and guitar. My husband Jim and I perform as an original singer-songwriter team called Molly and Sonny Boy. Together we own and maintain the Zents Music Studio, LLC in New Ulm, MN. Amy is a licensed professional radio announcer at KNUJ radio along with being soprano soloist with the New Ulm Civic Orchestra. Jim is a multi-talented composer, recording engineer performer and plays numerous instruments expertly. He and Amy have professionally recorded 3 CD's and have published two of them for sale online at their official site http://www.mollyandsonnyboy,com and online at http://cdbaby.com/cd/mollysonnyboy Amy holds a college degree in Music Education K-12 and Jim holds a doctorate in Emergency Medical Practice, with a minor in Anthropology. He is a specialist in travel medicine and practices emergency medicine at the New Ulm Medical Center in New Ulm, MN.